Sina and Tigilau
Sina and Tigilau is a monograph which collects stories of love and loss, and fidelity, loyalty, betrayal, scheming and subterfuge, heartache, sacrifice and pain, and all of the universal themes of pure delight to lovers of timeless love stories everywhere. These are aimed at the more mature reader, although the language chosen is still restrained and classical. We hope our translations have done history justice, and we know Dotsy’s illustrations convey the beauty,heroism, self-sacrifice, sensitivity, tragedy, strength, and even sensuality of the Samoans which is reconveyed by these stories.

Sina from Fiji and Chief Malu of Samoa
There lived in Upolu in Samoa a couple with their three children. They had two girls and one boy by the name of Malu. Malu is the youngest of the family. His sisters took pride in their younger brother because not only was he very handsome, but he was also a well-built young man. As he got older… more

The Origin of the Name Tigilau
In the village of Taga in Savaii, there was a maiden named Lau. She was a maiden who was sought by many young men who competed for her from Samoa. The young man who won her heart was a young man from Falelatai in Upolu named Olo. Then Lau married Olo. However, there was a young man… more

The Many Suitors who Courted Sina
There was a couple by the name of Vi and Vo and their only daughter named Sinausuimanu. This young lady was also well known by her shortened name, Sina. This Sina loved her parents dearly more than men and those of high status who had come to propose to her. This story… more

Sina Desires Tigilau
In the village of Lepu’a, there lived a couple named Taue and Fa’alaulaue. They had only one child, their daughter Sina. Sina was a beautiful young lady. Not only was her face beautiful but she was also very strong physically. This was the reason her parents were very proud of her… more

Sina of Fiji & Tigilau of Samoa
There lived in the village of Pata in Falelatai in Upolu a manaia (prince) named Tigilau. He was a very handsome man with a nice physique. There were many young women who longed to be married to Tigilau, but he rejected them all. Some of the unmarried female villagers were constantly… more

The Story of Sina and Her White Seagull (Gogosina) and Her Twelve Brothers
There was a couple by the name of Tafitofau and Ogafau and their eleven children. All ten were named Tui, and Tui and Tui, and Tui, and Tui, and Tui, and Tui, and Tui, and Tui, and Tui and their only sister named Sina. Sina was the tenth child and the youngest boy was also named Tui… more

Sina Chooses Tulau’ena over Tulifaui’ave
There was in Samoa a couple named Tafitofau and Ogafauwho had two sons named Tulifaui’ave, the elder, and Tulau’ena, the younger. These two boys were well-built and very good looking from their earliest days. They were exemplary sons, and dutifully and lovingly took care… more

The Legend of Sina’s Search for Her Husband
Sina determined that her beloved husband Tulau’ena died, just as he predicted, when she saw his blood in the waves breaking on the shore. She resolved to find his body so she could provide a proper ceremonial burial. She went first to their house, to gather things she would need to prepare for her journey in search of his remains. Sina had a great knowledge… more

Sina and Her Brother the Pigeon
Leue and Fa’alaulaue gave birth to the bird, the lupe (pigeon). The couple’s child was a male lupe. The couple was very unhappy with their new child because he wasn’t human, but even worse, the lupe was useless for family chores. The lupe was quite aware of his parents’ displeasure, and this angered him so much he ran away into the forest… more

Sina’s Mavaega: Her Promise to Create the Moon
Many years ago, the Tui Uea received a pa and a maga from an itinerant voyager who came in his canoe from across the Pacific. These two things were used to build a pa-fagota (fishing fence) for catching seuseu (mullet), ‘afa’afa-loloa, and aloga-atu which is especially useful for night-fishing, a Samoan art… more