Meanwhile Gaoaitele and Gasoloai, the daughters of La’auli had grown up, and stories about their beauty and mutual love had spread far and wide. Suitors came from all parts of Samoa. Among the most ardent who came to Fale’ula to woo and win them were Sanalala and Folasaitu, a high chief of Faleata. Again and again the girls had listened to the flattering speeches of the two young chiefs, but neither could come to a decision.
One day, when the two sisters were alone, Gatoaitele said, “I know that my father wants me to marry Folasa, because he is the leader of the Itu’au, the vanguard of Tuamasaga. Yet, I love Sanalala and I shall give him my hand as soon as I can safely do so. What I propose is this: Do you take Folasa and I shall be free to live with Sanalala. But if Folasa does not treat you well, you must leave him and come to me, so that we may enjoy the company of the man we both love. Should, however, Sanalala fail to prove the kind man he appears to be, then I shall leave him and we shall both live with Folasa.
As the mutual love of the sisters was really great and sincere, Gasoloai accepted the proposition and declared herself ready to marry Folasa although she did not fancy him any more than her sister did.
As Gasoloai became the wife of Folasa and Gatoai the wife of Sanalala. Gatoai felt more and more happy as the days went by, but her sister was unhappy in the company of Folasa. Weeks and months passed, yet her position did not improve. It even seemed to her that Folasa did not care whether she remained with him or not.
One day, therefore, she made up her mind to go to her sister in order to enjoy her company and that of Sanalala, too.
Meanwhile Sanalala had found out to his great sorrow that his beloved Gatoai was barren. So he was only too glad to accept her sister as a true wife, the more so as Gatoai was quite in favour of this expediency.
Gasoloai bore him three children: a boy, Lalovimama, and two girls, Vaeotamasoa and Leatougaugatuitoga. They were the joy of their parents. Lalovi grew up into a fine young man, while his sisters developed into beautiful young women.

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