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Souls Traveling to Pulotu

While the scholars will search feverishly to uncover the precise origin of the Samoan people, and chart the paths of their migration to Samoa, others unquestionably accept what Brother Fred Henry writes, i.e. there was no migration at all, since “. . the old Samoan chiefs and orators firmly believe that the Samoans had always been in Samoa. In proof of it, they will remind us about the myths in accordance with which Samoa and the Samoans were created by Tagaloa, the highest of their gods.” (see History, p. 4-5)

The original ancestral home was Pulotu, (the home of the gods), and the place where they return after their earthly experiences were completed. It is known as the “world of darkness” (lalo fonua).

According to the Samoan tradition, Pulotu was situated far, far towards the west, in their original home, while the scholars have evidence that “westernmost” extended as far as Havaiki (Hawaii), and even as far west as the ancient lands of Mesopotamia. Samoan lore places Pulotu at the westernmost point of the westernmost island: the Village of Falealupo in Savai’i.

One legend narrates that later seafarers, while on the high sea, constantly met with the souls of those who had already died, as they travelled west to Pulotu. Some of these souls were weeping, some laughing and singing, and some even playing different instruments, especially the flute. Once they reached Polutu, they entered a lake whose water conferred immortality.

While we are unconcerned with how Pulotu was located, Samoan lore is settled that one entered the mystical road to Pulotu leading to a pool at Fafa, on the extreme west of Upolu, where the souls needed to enter through the correct entrance, one of which was reserved for the chiefs (Lualotoali’i) and the other for ordinary people (Lualototufanua). An aitu, named Leosia, watched to ensure that every soul entered through the correct hole into the abyss.

Pulotu was ruled by the cannibal god Saveasi’uleo, who lived as half man- half eel and ate all of his brothers but the youngest, Ulafanuase’e (Ula). Ula was the father of Tilafaiga (and therefore of her conjoined twin sister Taema). In some versions, when Tila and Taema finally departed one another to go their separate ways,  Tila married Saveasi’uleo and gave birth to Nafanua, the warrior goddess.

Pulotu is also where, according to legend, the first war began. The four sons of Saveasi’uleo went on a journey to Papatea, where the fearful Papateans, anticipating an attack, struck one man named Ua on the neck, which act is considered a great insult. When the sons returned to Puleto and reported on this outrage, their King Elo became enraged and set about to completely destroy the Papateans, which he succeeded in doing with only three exceptions.  Everyone who fled inland was conquered and killed, but those who set to sea survived and swam away: Tutu and his wife Ila (Tutuila), U and his wife Polu (Upolu) and Sa and his wife Vaila (Savai’i).

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