‘0 tautivunia, le uso o le Tui Toga, sa pūlea le_mālō o Toga i-Tutuila. ‘0 aso fo’i ia, sā nofo ai i Tutuila se tagata toa, sā igoa ‘i ā Fuā’au.Sā fa’amau ‘o ‘ia ma Tauoloasi’ i; 1 e āfafine o Tui Afono.
Sā” gaoia lenei tama’ita’i e tagata Toga, ‘a ‘o moe ‘o ia i luga o lona fala mānaia e ta’ua ‘o 1e “Moeilefuefue.” ‘0 le ita tele o lenei toa ‘o Fuā’au, ‘e 1e gata ‘ua gaoia lana mānamea, ‘a ‘ua lātou gaoia fo’i ma le fala mānaia o le tama’ita’i, na ia fa’amālosia ai tagata Tutuila e si’i se fouvalega ‘i ā Lautivunia ma tagata Toga.
Peita’i, ‘o le to’atele o tagata Tutuila sā fefefe e mulimuli atu ‘i fa’atonuga a le toa.
Sa ta’u atu loa e Fuā’au e tatau ona lātou ta.o ma. Toga mo lo lātou lava sa’olotoga. ‘Ae sa maualuga pea lo lātou fefefe, na le mafai ai ona lātou ‘āmataina lea taua. ‘Ina ‘ua va’ai atu Fuā’au ‘i lea uiga, sā ia faiatu loa, “‘Ā fai ‘ua ‘outou vāivai tele, ona tu’u mai pea
lea ‘i ā te a’u o mea ‘uma.” Ona matamumuli ai lea o tagata ma lātou usita’i loa ‘i ā Fuā’au.
Sa alu atu loa Fuā’au ‘i le vao ma sāuni lana uatogi mālosi. ‘Ina ‘ua saunia mea ‘uma, sa ‘āmataina loa ma le taua, ma sā” tele tagata Toga na fasi-
otia i le aso muamua. ‘E to’atele fo’i ni isi tagata Toga na tūlia e o’o atu lava ‘ i le sami.

Word quickly spread to Tutuila of the Samoans desire to rid themselves of the Tongan oppression, and the defeat of the Tongans at Safotu and Aleipata. The islanders of Tutuila had begun to resolve to rid themselves of the Tongan rulers there as well, but they were afraid. Finally they rose up and defeated the Tongans.
Lautivunia, the brother of Tuitonga, was in charge of the Tongan Administration in Tutuila. During that time, a great warrior (toa) named Fua’au lived in Pago Pago. He was engaged to Tauoloasi’i, the daughter of Tuiafono.
One night Fua’au’s fiancé, Tauoloasi’i, was stolen away to Tonga while sleeping on her fine mat called “Moeilefuefue”. Angry because he lost both his beloved fiance and her famous mat, Fua’au urged the people of Tutuila to rebel against Lautivunia’s Tongan rule.
Most of the people, however, were still too afraid to follow his advice. When Fua’au insisted they had to fight for their freedom, their fear of the Tongans was so great they did not dare to start a war. Seeing this, the disgusted Fua’au ridiculed them, saying: “If you are too weak, then leave it to me; I alone will fight them all.” Then the people became ashamed, and only then finally obeyed Fua’au.

Fua’au stormed off into the bush to prepare the very best war club. When all was ready, the fight started, and the Samoans joined Fua’au. Many Tongans were slain on that first day, and many others were driven into the sea.
On the second day, the Tongans were attacked furiously in Leone. This battle took place just behind the village where, according to Brother Fred Henry, the Boys’ School later stood. This place is still remembered as Numiatonga.
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